
Welcome! We're 3 generations of women who said farewell to sunny Southern California and waved 'hi y'all' to sultry South Carolina. We love helping other women in need. I'm not saying you are needy! But don't you love getting tips from women who know something more than you in specific areas?

My daughter, Jacquie, is a certified nutritionist and I'm learning some easy steps to becoming healthier as the days--and years--go by. She owns and works at Life Wellness Center in Lexington, SC with her husband of 25 years, Dr. Thomas Blake.

My 22-year-old granddaughter, Destiny, is a make-up artist with MAC Cosmetics in Columbia, SC. She is teaching me simple ways to add a little glitter to my life ... and don't we all need some glitter now and then? She loves her Zumba classes and playing with her two labs.

And me? Well, through the years--sixty-eight at this writing--I've gleaned from some marvelous mentors and learned from the hard knocks of life how to fulfill the dreams that God has placed in me. I'm a writer, and I recently published my first novel, Lady and the Sea, based on my life story. (you can visit my website at www.sharonleaf.com and order my two novels at www.amazon.com/author/www.sharonleaf.com

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summertime and the living' is ... easy ... hectic ... crazy ... fun ....

Summer wedding reception 2015
Just checking in to say that the GLITS Gals are alive and well and enjoying the summer.

Destiny is busy with MAC Cosmetics, leading zumba classes at Gold's Gym, and starting up a wonderful business called IsaGenix.  I just started the program on Monday and I already lost four pounds and feel so much more energetic ... that is what this program is supposed to do.  

Jacquie is focusing on her nutrition  passion and is also involved with IsaGenix.  Her and Tom spend a lot of time on the lake fishing and relaxing.  Since Tom bought her a karoake setup, she has hosted summer karaoke parties and they have been a blast!

Rob and I recently returned from a 21-day journey to the flood disaster in Wimberley, Texas.  We bought a vintage motor home and consider it our second home.  We relaxed four days at Dreher Island State Park on Lake Murray and we plan to return to our home away from home.
Destiny's 24th Birthday
We hope you are having a sunny summer.  Don't forget to reach out and help someone.  You never know when you might need a helping hand.

Little acts of kindness which we render to each other in every day life, are like flowers by the wayside to the traveler; they serve to gladden the heart and relieve the tedium of life's journey.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Where have we been? That's a good question. Answer: Living, loving life!

Where have we been? Good question.  Answer: Living, Loving Life!

Winter 2014
Jacquie and Destiny lounging at my house.

Honestly, we forgot we had a blog!  
Not sure anyone reads it anyway. 
But just incase someone out there has missed us, 
we are still alive and well on planet earth 
in South Carolina.

Now for a quick update on the 3-Geration GLITS Gals:

Jacquie is busy with her nutrition business at Life Wellness Center. 
Works out faithfully,
takes her niece shopping and to the movies,
vacationed in the mountains of North Carolina/Tennessee,
traveled with hubby to So-Cal,
and is a smiley 'greeter' at her church,
NewSpring Church/Lexington.

Destiny not only works at Mac Cosmetics,
she now leads several morning work-out classes at the local Gold's Gym.
She took a road trip to Georgia.
She loves hanging with her peeps,
relaxing at home,
and just being 'herself.'

As for me, the third-generation of this motley crew, 
I'm busy writing my next book, Lady on the Run, 
and promoting my published book, Lady and the Sea. 
I traveled to California twice this year and 
I'm planning a road trip to Springfield, Missouri in the Spring, and 
Key West in the Autumn.

The GLITS Gals hope you are pursuing your dreams.
As you walk, jog, or run on your journey,
don't forget those around you whom you love.
A phone call, a visit, a prayer,
makes all the difference in the world
to those who love you.

Until next time ... whenever that may be ...
we wish you oceans of blessings!

The Lord before whom I have walked,
will send His angel with you
to make your journey successful.
Genesis 24:40  NASB